chorizo sausage with choricero peppers

local name chichique We select the lean meat with greater quality, prepared with the meat of choricero peppers that are locally grown following careful traditional preparation, after stuffing into skins they are pass upon drying, with a smooth smoking from local oak. This it is the traditional process that we scrupulously follow. And with our weekly sessions of taste and test, with family and children, they help a us to assure that we continued making the warmest and flavour packed Basque cured meats.

We hope that you agree with us, please it lets know your opinion.

Try them crude, fried, cooked, or with vegetables, with potatoes, eggs…. as you like, always exquisite.

(English) (Castellano) (Euskera) Four generations of real people,real food. Lombera de Carranza ® © 2010 Lombera de Carranza Ambasaguas,97 Valle de Carranza. 48891 Vizcaya.
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